As any experienced author knows, book reviews matter. This is especially true for indie authors.
Knowing that someone has reviewed your book, however, has never been particularly easy for authors. We have to “pull” our reviews by going to our book’s Amazon or GoodReads pages. That is, the book reviews don’t “push” themselves and find us.
But what if book reviews could function like Google Alerts?
A while back, I conceived of an idea to do just that. I collected some names and e-mail addresses to determine interest. Admittedly, interest wasn’t particularly high. What’s more, other things took priority—most notably my search for a full-time position as a college professor.
What if book reviews could function like Google Alerts?
The Process Is in Motion
Well, I’m pleased to announce that development work has begun in earnest. Thanks to smarts of some of my bright ASU W.P. Carey students, we are making this happen.
If you’d like to know more, just fill out the form below and I’ll provide regular updates. I expect this service to launch sometime in December of this year.
[contact-form-7]The post Coming Soon: Book-Review Alerts appeared first on Motion Publishing.